My Current Media Reading & Listening

media that I consider worthy of my time

This is a list of books I have read over the past years; most in audio form.The subject matter for all the media displayed I consider to be important in some manner, and cover areas including biology, ethics, group theory,evolutionary theory, among others.

The titles appear in the order that I last read/heard them, not in the order than I first read/heard them.  So the first book on the list is probably the one I am reading/hearing at this moment.

I have given each book a crude rating: 5* means highly recommended, 4* recommended, 3* worth reading, 2* possibly problematic, 1* save your time and money.  If a book appears here at all, then it is generally a 3* or higher.

The ‘blurbs’ on each book are taken directly from the audible.comsite; they are not my words.

  <a target=_blank href="">          <figure class='figure float-end w-100 ms-3 mb-2' title='Blueprint audiobook cover art'><img class='figure-img img-fluid rounded w-100' src='' alt='Blueprint audiobook cover art'></figure>      </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title><a target=_blank href="">Blueprint: <span style='font-size:smaller;'>The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society</a></p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Nicholas A.  Christakis</p> <div class=book-blurb>      <p>In Blueprint, Nicholas A.  Christakis introduces the compelling idea that our genes affect not only our bodies and behaviors, but also the ways in which we make societies, ones that are surprisingly similar worldwide.  With many vivid examples - including diverse historical and contemporary cultures, communities formed in the wake of shipwrecks, commune dwellers seeking utopia, online groups thrown together by design or involving artificially intelligent bots, and even the tender and complex social arrangements of elephants and dolphins that so resemble our own - Christakis shows that, despite a human history replete with violence, we cannot escape our social blueprint for goodness.</p>        <p>In a world of increasing political and economic polarization, it's tempting to ignore the positive role of our evolutionary past.  But by exploring the ancient roots of goodness in civilization, Blueprint shows that our genes have shaped societies for our welfare and that, in a feedback loop stretching back many thousands of years, societies have shaped, and are still shaping, our genes today.</p>      </div>
  <a target=_blank href="">            <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="Tools of Titans audiobook cover art" />        </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">Tools of Titans: <span style='font-size:smaller;'>The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers</a>  </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Tim Ferriss</p>    <div class=book-blurb>      <p>For the last two years, I've interviewed more than 200 world-class performers for my podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show.  The guests range from super celebs (Jamie Foxx, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc.) and athletes (icons of powerlifting, gymnastics, surfing, etc.) to legendary Special Operations commanders and black-market biochemists.  For most of my guests, it's the first time they've agreed to a two-to-three-hour interview.  This unusual depth has helped make The Tim Ferriss Show the first business/interview podcast to pass 100 million downloads.</p>        <p>"This book contains the distilled tools, tactics, and 'inside baseball' you won't find anywhere else.</p>        <p>"What makes the show different is a relentless focus on actionable details.  This is reflected in the questions.  For example: What do these people do in the first 60 minutes of each morning?  What do their workout routines look like, and why?  What books have they gifted most to other people?  What are the biggest wastes of time for novices in their field?  What supplements do they take on a daily basis?</p>   </div>
  <a target=_blank href="">            <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="The Biological Mind audiobook cover art" />        </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">The Biological Mind: How Brain, Body, and Environment Collaborate to Make Us Who We Are</a> </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Alan Jasanoff</p>  <div class=book-blurb>      <p>To many, the brain is the seat of personal identity and autonomy.  But the way we talk about the brain is often rooted more in mystical conceptions of the soul than in scientific fact.  This blinds us to the physical realities of mental function.  We ignore bodily influences on our psychology, from chemicals in the blood to bacteria in the gut, and overlook the ways the environment affects our behavior via factors varying from subconscious sights and sounds to the weather. </p>      <p>As a result, we alternately overestimate our capacity for free will or equate brains to inorganic machines like computers.  But a brain is neither a soul nor an electrical network: It is a bodily organ, and it cannot be separated from its surroundings.</p>      <p>Our selves aren't just inside our heads - they're spread throughout our bodies and beyond.  Only once we come to terms with this can we grasp the true nature of our humanity.</p>    </div>
  <a target=_blank href="">          <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="Until the End of Time audiobook cover art" />      </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">Until the End of Time: Mind, Matter, and Our Search for Meaning in an Evolving Universe</a>   </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Brian Greene</p>   <div class=book-blurb>      <p>From the world-renowned physicist and best-selling author of The Elegant Universe comes a captivating exploration of deep time and humanity's search for purpose.</p>        <p><i>Until the End of Time</i> is Brian Greene's breathtaking new exploration of the cosmos and our quest to find meaning in the face of this vast expanse.  Greene takes us on a journey from the big bang to the end of time, exploring how lasting structures formed, how life and mind emerged, and how we grapple with our existence through narrative, myth, religion, creative expression, science, the quest for truth, and a deep longing for the eternal. </p>        <p>From particles to planets, consciousness to creativity, matter to meaning - Brian Greene allows us all to grasp and appreciate our fleeting but utterly exquisite moment in the cosmos.</p>  </div>
  <a target=_blank href="">           <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="Minds Make Societies audiobook cover art" />       </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">Minds Make Societies: How Cognition Explains the World Humans Create</a>   </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Pascal Boyer</p>   <div class=book-blurb>      <p>"There is no good reason why human societies should not be described and explained with the same precision and success as the rest of nature." Thus argues evolutionary psychologist Pascal Boyer in this uniquely innovative book.</p>      <p>Integrating recent insights from evolutionary biology, genetics, psychology, economics, and other fields, Boyer offers precise models of why humans engage in social behaviors such as forming families, tribes, and nations, or creating gender roles.  In fascinating, thought-provoking passages, he explores questions such as: Why is there conflict between groups?  Why do people believe low-value information such as rumors?  Why are there religions?  What is social justice?  What explains morality?  Boyer provides a new picture of cultural transmission that draws on the pragmatics of human communication, the constructive nature of memory in human brains, and human motivation for group formation and cooperation.</p>    </div>
  <a target=_blank href="">           <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="This Explains Everything audiobook cover art" />       </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">This Explains Everything: Deep, Beautiful, and Elegant Theories of How the World Works</a> </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: John Brockman</p>  <div class=book-blurb>      <p>In This Explains Everything, John Brockman, founder and publisher of, asked experts in numerous fields and disciplines to come up with their favorite explanations for everyday occurrences.  Why do we recognize patterns?  Is there such a thing as positive stress?  Are we genetically programmed to be in conflict with each other?  Those are just some of the 150 questions that the world's best scientific minds answer with elegant simplicity.</p>       <p>With contributions from Jared Diamond, Richard Dawkins, Nassim Taleb, Brian Eno, Steven Pinker, and more, everything is explained in fun, uncomplicated terms that make the most complex concepts easy to comprehend.</p>    </div>
  <a target=_blank href="">            <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="The Future Is Faster Than You Think audiobook cover art" />        </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title><a target=_blank href="">The Future Is Faster Than You Think: How Converging Technologies Are Disrupting Business, Industries, and Our Lives</a></p> <p class=book-byline>By: Peter H.  Diamandis & Steven Kotler</p> <div class=book-blurb>      <p>In their book Abundance, best-selling authors and futurists Peter Diamandis and Steven Kotler tackled grand global challenges, such as poverty, hunger, and energy.  Then, in Bold, they chronicled the use of exponential technologies that allowed the emergence of powerful new entrepreneurs.  Now the best-selling authors are back with The Future Is Faster Than You Think, a blueprint for how our world will change in response to the next 10 years of rapid technological disruption.</p>       <p>Technology is accelerating far more quickly than anyone could have imagined.  During the next decade, we will experience more upheaval and create more wealth than we have in the past hundred years.  In this gripping and insightful roadmap to our near future, Diamandis and Kotler investigate how wave after wave of exponentially accelerating technologies will impact both our daily lives and society as a whole.  What happens as AI, robotics, virtual reality, digital biology, and sensors crash into 3D printing, blockchain, and global gigabit networks?  How will these convergences transform today’s legacy industries?  What will happen to the way we raise our kids, govern our nations, and care for our planet?</p>      <p>Diamandis, a space-entrepreneur-turned-innovation-pioneer, and Kotler, best-selling author and peak performance expert, probe the science of technological convergence and how it will reinvent every part of our lives - transportation, retail, advertising, education, health, entertainment, food, and finance - taking humanity into uncharted territories and reimagining the world as we know it.</p>     <p>As indispensable as it is gripping, The Future Is Faster Than You Think provides a prescient look at our impending future.</p>   </div>
  <a target=_blank href="">            <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="The Human Swarm audiobook cover art" />        </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">The Human Swarm: How Our Societies Arise, Thrive, and Fall</a>  </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Mark W.  Moffett</p>    <p class=book-blurb>In this paradigm-shattering book, biologist Mark W.  Moffett draws on findings in psychology, sociology, and anthropology to explain the social adaptations that bind societies.  He explores how the tension between identity and anonymity defines how societies develop, function, and fail....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">           <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="Talking to Strangers audiobook cover art" />       </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know About the People We Don't Know</a>   </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Malcolm Gladwell</p>   <p class=book-blurb>Malcolm Gladwell, host of the podcast <i>Revisionist History</i> and author of the number-one <i>New York Times</i> best seller <i>Outliers</i>, reinvents the audiobook in this immersive production of <i>Talking to Strangers</i>, a powerful examination of our interactions with people....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">          <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="Against the Grain audiobook cover art" />      </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States</a>  </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: James C.  Scott</p> <p class=book-blurb>Why did humans abandon hunting and gathering for sedentary communities dependent on livestock and cereal grains and governed by precursors of today's states?  Find out....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">           <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="The Laws of Human Nature audiobook cover art" />       </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">The Laws of Human Nature</a>   </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Robert Greene</p>  <p class=book-blurb>Robert Greene is a master guide, distilling wisdom and philosophy into essential texts for seekers of power, understanding, and mastery.  Now he turns to the most important subject of all - understanding people's drives and motivations, even when they are unconscious of them themselves....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">           <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="In the Buddha's Words audiobook cover art" />      </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">In the Buddha's Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon</a>  </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Bhikkhu Bodhi - editor and translator</p>  <p class=book-blurb>This landmark collection is the definitive introduction to the Buddha's teachings - in his own words....    </p>
  <a target=_blank href="">           <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="The Culture Code audiobook cover art" />       </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups</a>  </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Daniel Coyle</p>   <p class=book-blurb>In <i>The Culture Code</i>, Daniel Coyle goes inside some of the world's most successful organizations - including Pixar, and the US Navy's SEAL Team Six - and reveals what makes them tick....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">          <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="This View of Life audiobook cover art" />      </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">This View of Life: Completing the Darwinian Revolution</a>    </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: David Sloan Wilson</p> <p class=book-blurb>It is widely understood that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution completely revolutionized the study of biology.  Yet, according to David Sloan Wilson, the Darwinian revolution won't be truly complete until it is applied more broadly....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">            <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="Sex at Dawn audiobook cover art" />        </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title><a target=_blank href="">Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What It Means for Modern Relationships</a></p>  <p class=book-byline>By: Christopher Ryan</p>   <p class=book-blurb>Since Darwin's day, we've been told that sexual monogamy comes naturally to our species....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">          <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="The Darkening Web audiobook cover art" />      </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">The Darkening Web: The War for Cyberspace</a> </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Alexander Klimburg</p> <p class=book-blurb>No single invention of the last half century has changed the way we live now as much as the Internet....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">          <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="The Secret of Our Success audiobook cover art" />      </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution, Domesticating Our Species, and Making Us Smarter</a>   </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Joseph Henrich</p> <p class=book-blurb>Humans are a puzzling species.  On the one hand, we struggle to survive on our own in the wild, often failing to overcome even basic challenges, like obtaining food, building shelters, or avoiding predators.  On the other hand, human groups have produced ingenious technologies....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">           <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="A Short History of Nearly Everything audiobook cover art" />       </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title><a target=_blank href="">A Short History of Nearly Everything</a></p>   <p class=book-byline>By: Bill Bryson</p>    <p class=book-blurb>Bill Bryson has been an enormously popular author both for his travel books and for his books on the English language.  Now, this beloved comic genius turns his attention to science...</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">         <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="Thinking, Fast and Slow audiobook cover art" />        </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">Thinking, Fast and Slow</a>  </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Daniel Kahneman</p>    <p class=book-blurb>The guru to the gurus at last shares his knowledge with the rest of us....  </p>
  <a target=_blank href="">         <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="After Buddhism audiobook cover art" />     </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title><a target=_blank href="">After Buddhism: Rethinking the Dharma for a Secular Age</a></p>  <p class=book-byline>By: Stephen Batchelor</p>  <p class=book-blurb>Some 25 centuries after the Buddha started teaching, his message continues to inspire people across the globe, including those living in predominantly secular societies....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">          <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="Homo Deus audiobook cover art" />      </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title><a target=_blank href="">Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow</a></p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Yuval Noah Harari</p>  <p class=book-blurb>Yuval Noah Harari returns with an original, compelling, and provocative book, turning his focus toward humanity's future and our quest to upgrade humans into gods....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">         <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="Evolving Ourselves audiobook cover art" />     </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title><a target=_blank href="">Evolving Ourselves: How Unnatural Selection and Nonrandom Mutation are Changing Life on Earth</a>    </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Juan Enriquez</p>  <p class=book-blurb>A sweeping, paradigm-shifting account of how evolution is no longer driven just by nature but also by human choices....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">           <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="The Botany of Desire audiobook cover art" />       </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">The Botany of Desire</a>   </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Michael Pollan</p> <p class=book-blurb>Michael Pollan ingeniously demonstrates how people and domesticated plants have formed a reciprocal relationship....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">            <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide audiobook cover art" />       </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title>        <a target=_blank href="">The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys</a>    </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: James Fadiman PhD</p>  <p class=book-blurb>Called "America's wisest and most respected authority on psychedelics and their use", James Fadiman has been involved with psychedelic research since the 1960s....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">            <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="How to Change Your Mind audiobook cover art" />        </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title><a target=_blank href="">How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence</a>   </p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Michael Pollan</p> <p class=book-blurb>An investigation by Michael Pollan into the medical and scientific revolution taking place around psychedelic drugs - and the spellbinding story of his own life-changing psychedelic experiences....</p>

Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress

<p class=book-byline>By: Steven Pinker</p>  <p class=book-blurb>The follow-up to Pinker's groundbreaking The Better Angels of Our Nature presents the big picture of human progress: People are living longer, healthier, freer, and happier lives....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">            <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="Biology: The Science of Life audiobook cover art" />       </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title><a target=_blank href="">Biology: The Science of Life</a></p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Stephen Nowicki</p>    <p class=book-blurb>One of the greatest scientific feats of our era is the astonishing progress made in understanding biology-a progress to which the period we are living in right now has contributed the most....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">         <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body audiobook cover art" />      </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title><a target=_blank href="">Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body</a></p>    <p class=book-byline>By: Daniel Goleman, Richard Davidson</a>   <p class=book-blurb>Two New York Times best-selling authors unveil new research showing what meditation can really do for the brain....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">          <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="Waking Up audiobook cover art" />      </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title><a target=_blank href="">Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion</a></p>   <p class=book-byline>By: Sam Harris</p> <p class=book-blurb>For the millions of Americans who want spirituality without religion, Sam Harris's new book is a guide to meditation as a rational spiritual practice informed by neuroscience and psychology....</p>
  <a target=_blank href="">           <img class=book-thumbnail src="" alt="Why Buddhism Is True audiobook cover art" />       </a>    </div>  <p class=book-title><a target=_blank href="">Why Buddhism Is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment</a></p>   <p class=book-byline>By: Robert Wright</p>  <p class=book-blurb>From one of America's greatest minds, a journey through psychology, philosophy, and lots of meditation to show how Buddhism holds the key to moral clarity and enduring happiness....</p>