Gary Dean - Posts

Rumahku Yogyakarta 1998
– My house in Yogyakarta in 1998.
my merc 8-} oh, there's the merc again the back of my house in yogyakarta my laundry and water tanks and well wife. wife. again. there she is again. my tiger-proof house the road into my house. nother boring picture of my house, showing tiger-proof southern wall. The inside of my modest palace, showing wife walking towards the tiger-proof southern wall.
A few notes on my life in Yogyakarta, March-May 1998
– Reformasi and the Fall of Soeharto
> The period March to May 1998 was an interesting time in Indonesian history. This journal reflects some of the things that happened in my life over this period. Some of it is perhaps rather too personal, but that was the nature of my encounter with Indonesian culture over that time. It is by no means comprehensive; a great many important events -- both personal and public -- I chose not to write about. Some names have been changed to protect peoples privacy. Like most journals, it starts strangely and ends abruptly. ### 12 Mar 98 I called Yuni tonight. My lack of a religion is causing her great problems. For some reason she doesn’t want to talk to anyone else about this problem, which is to say, the problem of my religion, or more precisely, my lack of one. This is Indonesia, after all. Not having a religion means you’re a communist. Simple really. ### 13 Mar 98 Yuni p