Gary Dean - Posts

Bizarre YouTube Censorship
– wtf? SRSLY? :facepalm:
Some friends and I have a YouTube channel called ['a secular dharma?']( This channel has long -- often boring -- discussions about the nature and definition of dharma, and about life in general. In Sept 2024, YouTube removed a video entitled "Metaphysical Thinking - Father Xmas - Cargo Cults", _posted more than 4.5 years ago_, claiming that it violated their **"Violent extremist or criminal organisations policy"**. This is a transcript of the section deemed "problematic" by YouTube: --- And that is the basis of a collective vision of a collective belonging to something. And I mean, and the QAnon phenomenon is pretty much the same thing. It's a cargo cult in some ways. Absolutely, yeah. Yeah, it's relief from their suffering because I mean, obviously the people who believe this are the ones who are suffering in America. And
Karl Marx's The Origins and Development of Capitalism
– a review
In 1867, a few years after the establishment of the International Working Men's Association, Karl Marx presented his thoughts on the emergence of capitalism in an essay entitled The Origins and Development of Capitalism, as part of his wider discussion on the sociology of capitalism. Marx identified the 16th and 17th centuries as being periods of intense capital accumulation as a direct consequence of the discovery, colonisation and exploitation of the Americas, and the development of maritime trade with the East Indies and China. Thus began a process in the development of commercial capitalism, in contrast to the feudal capitalism that preceded it. So also began the rise of a new class within medieval European society, that is, the capitalist class, or as Marx liked to call them, the bourgeoisie. Medieval society consisted of feudal landowners, a peasantry and a middle level o
Some thoughts surrounding the Milgram Experiment
"I like ideas about the breaking away or overthrowing of established order. I am interested in anything about revolt, disorder, chaos, especially activity that seems to have no meaning. It seems to me to be the road towards freedom." -- Jim Morrison 'Obedience to the Law is Freedom'. Thus declared a sign hung over a gateway to a US army base in New Jersey in 1969. Of course, such a statement could be critically analysed on many levels and given a wide variety of interpretations. At its crudest, in the context of the Cold War environment of that time, one interpretation could go like this: "You must Obey Our Law. Disobedience to Our Law means you are a Communist, and Communists are the Enemies of Freedom". (In the contemporary context "communist" could be replaced with "muslim".) Obedience to authority was the theme of Milgram's experiment, which clearly demon
Hukum Agraria Indonesia
– (Indonesian Land Law)
Gary Robert Dean (Universitas Gadjah Mada NIM 96/111909/EK/13500) Dalam pembahasan tentang sejarah Hukum Agraria Indonesia ada dua fase penting yang harus dipertimbangkan, yaitu fase sebelum September 1960, dan fase sesudah tanggal itu. Dalam fase sebelum September 1960 Hukum Agraria Indonesia terdiri atas bagian-bagian dari Hukum Perdata Barat, Hukum Adat orang Indonesia asli, Hukum Antar Golongan dan hukum sesudah proklamasi merupakan pengaruh dari Hukum Tata Negara. Dari semua hal di atas yang paling penting dijadikan landasan Hukum Agraria Indonesia pada zaman penjajahan Belanda adalah Pasal 51 I.S. tahun 1870, juga dikenal dengan nama bahasa Belanda Agrarische Wet. Sebagai pelaksanaan daripada Agrarische Wet adalah Penyataan Domein (Domein Verklaring) yang berbunyi bahwa: "Semua tanah yang orang lain tidak dapat membuktikan, bahwa itu eigendomnya adalah tanah d