Gary Dean - Posts

Bizarre YouTube Censorship
– wtf? SRSLY? :facepalm:
Some friends and I have a YouTube channel called ['a secular dharma?']( This channel has long -- often boring -- discussions about the nature and definition of dharma, and about life in general. In Sept 2024, YouTube removed a video entitled "Metaphysical Thinking - Father Xmas - Cargo Cults", _posted more than 4.5 years ago_, claiming that it violated their **"Violent extremist or criminal organisations policy"**. This is a transcript of the section deemed "problematic" by YouTube: --- And that is the basis of a collective vision of a collective belonging to something. And I mean, and the QAnon phenomenon is pretty much the same thing. It's a cargo cult in some ways. Absolutely, yeah. Yeah, it's relief from their suffering because I mean, obviously the people who believe this are the ones who are suffering in America. And