Gary Dean - Posts

Indonesian Land Law and Foreign Ownership of Land
Indonesian Land Law is quite different to the laws that apply in most Western or developed countries. Foreigners wishing to use or purchase land for whatever purpose need to be aware of these differences and not assume that legal conventions that apply in their home countries necessarily apply in Indonesia. Legal certainty in Indonesia has always been rather precarious, not least in the realm of land ownership. However, secure land title for foreigners is possible if correct procedures are observed. ## Background There are two important "phases" when discussing Indonesian land law, that is, the phase before September 1960, and the phase after this date. Before September 1960 Indonesian land law comprised a mind-boggling cacophony of traditional *adat* law, Dutch colonial laws, Western civil law, and laws enacted by the Indonesian government from the time of independence i
Doing Business in Indonesia
– From a Western Perspective
> This is a modified version of a report commissioned by the East Asia Analytical Unit of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in July 2000, as part of a book entitled *Indonesia: Facing the Challenge* published in December, 2000. Views contained within this report are *entirely my own* and do not necessarily reflect views of EAAU, DFAT or any of its officers, past or present. Indonesia is not the easiest place in the world in which to do business. The 'World Competitiveness Scoreboard' currently ranks Indonesia at 45, only two places ahead of Russia (47), and in stark contrast to countries such as Australia (13), Singapore (2) and the US (1). Clearly, in terms of the measures used by the producers of this scoreboard, Indonesia at the moment is found severely wanting, with its potent brew of traditional cultures, bureaucracy, legal uncertainty and social i
Hukum Agraria Indonesia
– (Indonesian Land Law)
Gary Robert Dean (Universitas Gadjah Mada NIM 96/111909/EK/13500) Dalam pembahasan tentang sejarah Hukum Agraria Indonesia ada dua fase penting yang harus dipertimbangkan, yaitu fase sebelum September 1960, dan fase sesudah tanggal itu. Dalam fase sebelum September 1960 Hukum Agraria Indonesia terdiri atas bagian-bagian dari Hukum Perdata Barat, Hukum Adat orang Indonesia asli, Hukum Antar Golongan dan hukum sesudah proklamasi merupakan pengaruh dari Hukum Tata Negara. Dari semua hal di atas yang paling penting dijadikan landasan Hukum Agraria Indonesia pada zaman penjajahan Belanda adalah Pasal 51 I.S. tahun 1870, juga dikenal dengan nama bahasa Belanda Agrarische Wet. Sebagai pelaksanaan daripada Agrarische Wet adalah Penyataan Domein (Domein Verklaring) yang berbunyi bahwa: "Semua tanah yang orang lain tidak dapat membuktikan, bahwa itu eigendomnya adalah tanah d